Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Preschool Summer Activities for You and Your Kids

One thing children love is tea parties, hot chocolate parties, or any kind of party where you can make something that you can also enjoy. But in these summer months who wants a hot drink!?

Here is a recipe for a delicious and refreshing punch. You can have a dress up party and then all sit down in your “adult clothes” and sip on some wonderful cold tasty punch.

This recipe is enough for a preschool class or large group of children. If you are a Home Daycare Provider you can always cut this recipe in half. It’s pretty easy without much measuring at all.

Tooty Fruity Punch

2x2L Bottles of Ginger Ale
1L Club Soda
1 Can Lemonade
¼ cup sugar
1 pack of frozen strawberries
1 pack of frozen raspberries
2-4 trays of ice
Orange slices for garnish (optional)
Punch bowl/stirring spoon
Plastic champagne style cups


Empty the contents of the lemonade can in the bottom of the punch bowl, then pour the sugar on the frozen lemonade.

Next, empty the Ginger Ale and the Club Soda in the punch bowl and stir all ingredients together.

To finish, add as much frozen fruit as you desire, or 1 cup of each. Then set the orange slices on top so they are floating. Then using the ladle fill each plastic champagne cup about half way. Feel free to have seconds, thirds or more.

There you have it, refreshing Tooty Fruity Dress up Party Punch!


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