Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring & Summer Newsletter-Great Spring Preschool Activities for Kids

Happy Spring and Summer Subscriber,

It’s been a while since our last newsletter. We apologize for the delay but we have some exciting news. We are in the process of finishing up our sister site which we have been working very hard on. Check out the following link to be one of the first to visit this site. Click here to visit: Activity School We have great new information on this site including Themes. Check out our theme section where we have well over 15 themes already posted!

We have also been working on videos which we have put up on the web. We will be making these videos available through our site by link or actual video. One of our team operators, (Marisa Robinson E.C.E) demonstrates activities, songs, cooking, and great book recommendations. Keep checking back to for these exciting changes and add-ons as well as our sister site:

Now For Some Free Spring/Summer Activities:

Cooking Activity: Birds Nests

What you will need:

2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
6 tbsp cocoa
1/2 cup fine shredded coconut (optional)*
3 cups oatmeal

Large Pot
Wooden Spoon
Waxed Paper
Large Popsicle Sticks

What to do:

Prepare Ingredients using the directions below:

1. Combine the first four ingredients together in a large pot and bring to a boil for about 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

2. Take pot off of stove and add the coconut and oatmeal. Mix until everything is coated.
Give each child a piece of waxed paper. Drop a generous sized spoonful of the “birds nest” mixture onto the waxed paper.

Have each child work the mixture with a popsicle stick until it’s cool enough to handle.

Have children shape the mixture into a birds nest and then let set.

Once the mixture is set (either in the fridge or at room temp.) give the child a handful of jelly beans or chocolate foil wrapped eggs to put in the centre of their nest.

This is a great afternoon snack or dessert after a healthy lunch.


*If you omit the coconut, replace by adding ¼-1/2 cup of oatmeal.

For more free activities visit: and

Incorporating Science and Creative Art:

What you will need:

Styrofoam Cups
Spoons (enough for all children)
Flower seeds such as Violets
Water in a container with a spout

Any or all of the following:
Sparkles, beads, anything else fun and glue able

Allow each child to create their own flower pot.
First, write each child’s name on the bottom of the cup. Then have the children decorate it however they wish to.

Next, have each child fill their cup almost to the top of the cup with soil using a spoon to scoop it.

Then give them a seed to place on the top and have them push the seed down very gently only about a finger tips depth.

Then give them the water to water the seed a tiny bit.

Once everyone has planted their seeds, place their flower pots out where they will get some filtered sunlight.

Optional: Check on the plants daily and see whose started to grow first, last, how much they grow each week, etc. Document the progress on chart paper to post on the wall when the experiment is finished.

Once everyone’s plant have started to grow, send them home with the children and encourage their parents to re-pot the plant and watch it grow more.

For free activities, themes and more, visit: and

Sensory Activity:

Who said the sand box had to be limited to just cars and trucks, shovels and pails.

Let’s get creative!

For a great fresh spring activity, take out those cars and trucks, shovels and pails, and let’s replace the sandbox with gardening gloves, gardening shovels, flower pots, and some fake flowers. While you’re at it, why not add some fun gardening hats for the children to extend their play.

Sit back and watch or join in the fun as you watch them develop their little green thumbs!

I hope this has helped give you a kick start to spring and summer. It doesn’t end there though. Keep checking back to our web sites for more great free activities.

Thanks and enjoy the great weather ahead!

The Preschool Learning Online Team

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Preschool Learning Online: BOOKS OF THE MONTH CLUB

Book Of The Month Club!

Parents --Teachers!

Looking for Highly recommended Books that your children or preschoolers will Love?

Check Out Our: Book Of The Month Club!
(Free To Join-Just Books We Highly Recommend!)

Preschool Learning Online : BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Preschool Learning Online & Toy Ideas: Toddler Toy Basics

Toddler Toy Basics


Toddler Toys offer toddlers a myriad of activities to explore, introducing them to ride on toys, puzzles, and more. We believe that the best toddler toys are the one which are age appropriate and support the physical, emotional, social, cognitive and language development of toddlers. Some toddler toys at this age include singing toys, toys with buttons to push, blocks, shape sorters, pull and push toys to name a few.


Remember, like I said, even toys as basic as blocks are considered learning toys: when toddlers engage in the great fun of building up and tearing down they're developing skills they'll eventually need to grasp basic principles of math. This cannot be stressed enough. Children's toys that introduce your young one to auditory processing, cognitive learning and gross motor development. If possible the best thing you can do is provide your little one with a variety of toys and learning experiences in a warm supportive environment. Pressuring a child to learn or going overboard by making every interaction with you a lesson, may lead to taking the fun out of learning. Kids do not feel like they are learning, but rather playing.delimiter


Toys need to entertain as well as educate your toddler. Toddler Toys will keep developing important skills, while introducing the fun of play. Push toys (like the Corn Popper) give toddlers an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of physical exercise and improve the coordination important to development. Even toys as basic as blocks are considered learning toys: when toddlers engage in the great fun of building up and tearing down they're developing skills they'll eventually need to grasp basic principles of math. Toddlers will love to play with these following toys: climbing toys , toddler pull toys, toddler push toys, toddler riding toys, swinging toys, play tunnel, slides, rocking toys (including toy rocking horse)and balls. If you're on a budget, get the balls and the push toys or even think about checking about programs such as Free Cycle, where people sign-up to give away things they don't need any more for free.delimiter


You can use any toddler toy to improve your child's language development. Play with your child and talk to them about the toy. Explain to them how it works, the colors of the toy, or the function. Also, teaching your toddler to share toys will improve his/her social skills, also increasing their ability to communicate with others without screaming "MINE."


There are many types of toddler toys out there for your toddler. When choosing, just remember that the toy is not as important as how you present the toy to them. Use every opportunity as a way to teach and develop them into the person they are going to be for the rest of their life. Toddlers are at the age at which people are most impressionable, they pick up everything and immolate everything. So, let the games begin, and learn a little too.

Amy Bew is a devoted parent and has published other online content. She is the owner of and a member of the Found if here online network @

Preschool Learning & Kids Games: Toddler Learning Game The World Is One Big Adventure

Toddler Learning Game The World Is One Big Adventure

The life of a toddler does not need to be day after day of organized activities, but putting in a good routine can help you and your child.

If she knows that on Monday you go to the park, on Wednesday you go to playgroup and on Saturday you have a special Breakfast, it will give her stability and confidence, knowing what is going to happen day to day, but allowing flexibility too.

Between 12 and 24 months your toddler will have more interest in Everything around her, she will enjoy putting things together, poking, prodding and games involving hand to eye coordination.

Her manipulation and fine motor skills will develop as she learns to use her wrist and different grasps depending on the object she is using, she will show her first signs of becoming an artist, using crayons and a paintbrush.

This creative early learning will help your child develop fine motor skills as well as gain confidence, self-expression and a creative mind.

For your toddlers first go at creating a masterpiece, until she develops his fine motor skills, she will need to use stubby crayons and a large sheet of paper. At first there wont be much control where the crayons go on the paper, but as with all other skills, practice and more practice, with lots of encouragement, will help her gain confidence and master this skill.

Children naturally love to make things, and like nothing more than showing you their handiwork. For a young child, crafts and other artistic activities are great for confidence building and self-expression, and having your child's masterpieces around the house will show her how proud you are of her work and give her confidence.

Using Play Dough is another fun learning game, its lovely to squish and squeeze and fun to model, your child can use it from about two years old, but make sure it doesn't get eaten!

Play Dough is very quick and easy to make, it is a brilliant way for children to learn about weights, measurements and the way materials change.

Music and singing nursery rhymes will also play a large part of her daily routine.

Educational music games, toys, instruments and CDs are a great way for Toddlers and Preschoolers to gain from listening to music. Music benefits your child's speech and movement, as well as their self-confidence, self-expression and their listening and concentration skills.

Action Songs help your toddler experience music physically through play, and is great way of interacting between you and your toddler. Your child won't know that she is actually doing educational music games, its just fun to her.

Children love joining in and doing activities with you. An action song can even change their mood, and yours too, making you both happier and content. My personal favourite for changing my mood is, "Johnny Taps With One Hammer", it just makes me laugh.

Some other suggestions could be Head, Shoulders, Knees And Toes, The Wheels On The Bus, If You're Happy And You Know It, I'm A Little Teapot and One Finger, One Thumb, of course the list could go on and on.

You can go to the library and get a range of different music, so you can find out what music makes your toddler tick, and then make up your own educational music game, to get your child involved more in music.

Every child should have a few basic instruments, so that can experiment with music as they wish.

A child's concentration span can be very short, if they are enjoying a piece of music they may well express this the only way they know how, at this age through movement, or dance and the first time your child "feels the beat" can be really entertaining..

The benefits of regular dance sessions are endless. Children are being creative, developing gross and fine motor skills, can work together with other children, build relationships and gain self esteem, to name a few. As with singing songs, dancing to musical tapes will help with their language learning, and get your child used to the rhythm and tune.

There are some fantastic tapes to get you moving, One of our nursery's favourite educational music game is The Sticky Kids CDs, but don't think that its just for kids!

Imagination and creative play is an important part of your child's development also.

Children directly copy what adults do, but they also pretend to be adults when they begin to play imaginatively. So show them a good example.

The Home Area is an important area for this, and you need to broaden the gender roles, so that they do not begin to see what men and woman do in narrow ways.

Role Play, encourages children to listen and talk to each other, it extend the powers of self-expression and encourages the expression of imaginative, non - stereotypical ideas and roles.

There are many educational toys available that mimic the grown up version, educational learning toys like Tea Sets and Cookers, for girls and boys and Power Tools and Super Hero Costumes, for girls and boys.

But don't forget that the use of imagination can change your drab coat into a magic cape! Have a look around charity shops you will get a lot more for your money and make your toddlers imagination work over time.

This has to be the best fun learning experience a child can have and a fantastic educational game for toddler.

Remember what an important part of your life imagination play was when you were a child?

You could be, do and have anything!

Do you remember "The Little Red Engine That Could"? He was just a little engine, but when he saw that steep hill ahead of him, a seemingly impossible obstacle, he kept telling himself, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can," and he pulled all his train cars over the hill. You know the moral: the power of a positive mind.

But then we get knocked down and start disbelieving in what we are capable of, don't do this to your child, help them have a true believing in what they want to be.

Some other great games would be nesting cups, to give the first concepts of "big, bigger and biggest", simple inset puzzles with lift-out pieces or matching games to help to increase your toddler's vocabulary, building blocks, linking toys and lacing sets are some other favourite educational toys for this age.

Education Games For Kids

Education Games For Kids, is packed full of the Best Educational Games and Toys for kids of all ages. Whatever your child's age or interests, you will find lots of information to create curiosity and a desire to learn with the Best Educational Games and Toys Around.

Preschool Learning For Parents: Your Child's Height & Factors For Physical Growth

Physical Growth In Children:

Genetic factors are important to physical growth. Tall parents tend to have tall children and short parents tend to have short children. However an interesting phenomenon called "regression toward the mean" has been observed.

Tall parents have children who are taller than average but shorter than their parents. Short parents have children who are shorter than average but are taller than their parents. Children grow upwards, but not steadily. For long periods children may not grow at all.

At other times they may exhibit rapid growth spurts. Your doctor will record the growth for your child on a growth chart. After recording a series of heights and weights at different ages, you can visualize the growth of your child.

If growth is extremely fast or stops for a long period, it will show up on the graph much more clearly, than through the traditional marks on the wall. At some time during growth and development, most children will be high or low on something.

Height has always seemed a trivial characteristic by which to judge any person. Unfortunately, our culture has traditionally placed values on various heights. Being tall has been as an asset for boys but a problem for girls.

Some parents are concerned that their children will be handicapped for being too tall or too short, and seek out ways to change growth patterns. Many tall women might remember being teased because of their height when they were younger.

Initially, growth is controlled by the growth and the thyroid hormone. During puberty, additional hormones kick in. as adolescents reach puberty, the pituitary gland increase the secretion of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

For boys no single dramatic event makes clear that puberty is on its way. There is a typical sequence of changes however that might not be immediately obvious, because they tend to occur over a fairly long period, and begin between 9 and 14.

Alvaro Castillo has been writing health articles for five years. One of his specializations has been on parenting and pregnancy. If you would like to get the best out of parenting, then visit his website at or visit his blog at to share your opinion.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Preschool Printables-Preschool Themes & Classroom Themes For Kids

Preschool Themes and Themes For The Classroom:

Looking for preschool themes, themes for the classroom, or lesson plan themes/theme units? is a Great New website full of Quality, Educational Preschool Printables and Worksheets for Kids. The Kids learning website is really geared towards children 10 & under.

Check Out The website for all your Preschool Theme Ideas & Prek Printables:

You will find Prek Themes Relating To:

Preschool Animals

Beach Themes

Zoo Themes

Color Themes and Much More!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Preschool Science Activites & Preschool Fun

Preschool Science Activities and Preschool Activities For Fun and Learning:

Here is our latest preschool activities video. This preschool education video shows you how to make Flubber.

This is an amazing substance that your kids will go NUTS over! For other pre k fun , preschool science activities & experiments, crafts and more.

Go Here: Preschool Science Experiments and Activities For Kids

**Be sure to follow the links taking you through all our preschool activities and prek fun!

Preschool Themes: Preschool Printables & Pre k Activities For Download

Preschool Printables and Activities For Download:

Finding preschool theme activities & preschool printables can be difficult.

This tedious and time consuming problem is a common one for preschool teachers, stay at home moms and parents looking to find fun and new ways to teach kids and students with entertaining activities and craft ideas.

We have your preschool themes and printables solution.

We have a series of Preschool themes on CD which are now DOWNLOADABLE from our Preschool Learning Online website.

Preschool Printable Themes:

**We have Ocean Themes, Jungle Themes, Weather and Season Themes, Dinosaur Themes, Solar System & Space Themes and more!

Each CD Download has at minimum 150 Printables plus activities, preschool recipes, preschool snacks and more!  

EACH CD DOWNLOAD COSTS $14.95 AUD (approx. $13.00 USD)