Monday, October 10, 2005

Fun Activities & Creative Art Ideas for your Kids!

Let's face children do not have the imagination and creativity that those of the older generation may have had! With all the cartoons and kids shows on television today, video games, portable video game systems, talking toys etc. most kids have lost their creativity!

Yes, all these highly marketed items today deprive your kids of their use of imagination. Without use of imagination, man would have never dreamed of putting another man on the moon, Walt Disney would have never created his Magical World, and his wonderful characters and many of our most necessary inventions would have never been created!

Our children today need to expand their minds, create their own games, build with wooden blocks, play with their dolls and experiment with arts and crafts. This helps to develop their creative juices and expand their imagination. Who knows..just one day..your child may become a famous director? A Famous inventor? A famous artist? Or maybe even find the cure for a terrible disease. Why? All because they developed a keen sense of creativity and developed a finely tuned imagination.

As Parents and care givers today we can assist our kids at an early age to become a healthy, creative and inspirational child who can too learn to dream and create.

Websites such as ours have amazing , unique ideas, arts and crafts that are fun for parents as well as kids! These are not your typical activities. These ideas develop your childs imagination and bring out their creativity through learning.

We also have a variety of science ideas that your kids will love to make at home and watch the results. This kind of hands on stuff really is fun for your children.

This and other great stuff...can be found online at our website!

Keep Coming Back-We will be posting Tips and informations, activities and Snack ideas .....