Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kids Love Dress Up Games and They Help With Fine Motor Skills


Dress Up Games Online for Preschool Kids:

Preschool children love funny games. This dress up game for preschool kids and young children allows them to make the character look funny by changing outfits and facial expressions. There are no downloads and the game is playable right on the website.

There are many other FREE preschool learning games on the website and many more games for children coming -stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dinosaur Learn to Count Game for Kids

Learn to Count - Preschool Dinosaur Counting Game Online

Dinosaur Counting Game for Kids:

A fun preschool counting game online for you to help teach children learn to count or brush up on their counting skills. Kids love dinosaurs and this dinosaur learning to count game is a fun way for children to learn to count.

Check it out and Share it or facebook like it to help spread the word.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Science Activity For Preschoolers-Grassman

Preschool Learning Activity for Kids: Grass Man

This is a fun activity that helps children to learn about grass and growing and how to take care of things to help them grow, all with a funny little character.

Grass man's hair is actually the grass the grows from your container, so the preschoolers are excited to see it grow. Of course you can treat this as a science activity for kids as you observe and chart or document any new changes that you see everyday as you look for the growing grass.

Kids can cut the grass (hair) with scissors once it has grown and have fun watching their friend grow his green hair.

Grass man growing activity for kids is here

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Spring & Summer Outdoor Activities for Kids

Fun Spring and Summer Outdoor Activities for Kids:

Want to keep your kids active during the nice weather this Spring or Summer? You need to keep your children from adopting a sedentary lifestyle which can lead to obesity and other health issues.

Today, many children sit in front of television for hours or play video games with no physical activity. Physical activity is good for their gross motor skills development and fine motor skills development & overall health.

Teaching your kids to get up and move is a nice habit to get them into, one which will stay with them for many years to come.

Outdoor Obstacle Course:

Have you thought of setting up a fun obstacle course in your backyard for your children and their friends? You can use some pylons (or other things to act as pylons or markers) for them to weave in and out through. Hoola hoops can be used for jumping. Maybe a long wavy rope or your garden hose laying out in a crazy pattern for them which they have to balance on and follow.

You can even get a couple of the play tunnels which they have for little children and get your kids crawling through it.

The thing is, make it fun and challenging for your kids, while keeping it safe. It will get your preschool kids and young children moving on a nice Spring or Summer day.

You can even make it into a fun game or contest & time each child as they complete the course.

This is just one of many great ideas for keeping children healthy and active outdoors with some physical activities for kids.

Sun Safety and Water To Drink:

*Remember to ALWAYS use a suitable sunblock or dress children appropriately with plenty of liquids to drink when playing outside. Have any other great ideas for keeping children moving? Let us know by commenting below or contacting us.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Robin Coloring Page for Kids

Spring Robin Coloring Page for You & Your Kids:

When you see the know Spring is here...a great idea is to start setting up a related theme lesson plan for teaching your preschool and kindergarten kids. You can grab the spring coloring page above as a start. While you enjoy the awesome weather ahead.

Remember to always try and think of fun new ways to teach pre k children about the different seasons and weather..