Friday, July 20, 2012

Fun Spell - Spelling Game Online for Your Kids

Fun Spell is Now FREE to Play Online:

Get access to the Fun Spell version 1.0 online spelling game for kids. You can teach your preschoolers and children or anyone really who is looking to improve or learn to spell.

Some of the most basic, yet fundamentally important things to teach children and preschoolers today is their alphabets, spelling and reading.

Fun Spell online spelling game for kids does just that. It helps children to HEAR the word, then see an image or drawing of the word object, then see the spelling of the word below it.

Children can simply, click on each letter of the word (starting left to right for english of course) and they will hear each letter as it is pronounced.

Play the Fun Spelling Game Online Now:

Check it out and please Bookmark & Share the link across any social networks you can!