Showing posts with label bed wetting kids bladder problems childrens issues toilet training potty training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bed wetting kids bladder problems childrens issues toilet training potty training. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Preschool Learning For Parents: Your Child's Height & Factors For Physical Growth

Physical Growth In Children:

Genetic factors are important to physical growth. Tall parents tend to have tall children and short parents tend to have short children. However an interesting phenomenon called "regression toward the mean" has been observed.

Tall parents have children who are taller than average but shorter than their parents. Short parents have children who are shorter than average but are taller than their parents. Children grow upwards, but not steadily. For long periods children may not grow at all.

At other times they may exhibit rapid growth spurts. Your doctor will record the growth for your child on a growth chart. After recording a series of heights and weights at different ages, you can visualize the growth of your child.

If growth is extremely fast or stops for a long period, it will show up on the graph much more clearly, than through the traditional marks on the wall. At some time during growth and development, most children will be high or low on something.

Height has always seemed a trivial characteristic by which to judge any person. Unfortunately, our culture has traditionally placed values on various heights. Being tall has been as an asset for boys but a problem for girls.

Some parents are concerned that their children will be handicapped for being too tall or too short, and seek out ways to change growth patterns. Many tall women might remember being teased because of their height when they were younger.

Initially, growth is controlled by the growth and the thyroid hormone. During puberty, additional hormones kick in. as adolescents reach puberty, the pituitary gland increase the secretion of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

For boys no single dramatic event makes clear that puberty is on its way. There is a typical sequence of changes however that might not be immediately obvious, because they tend to occur over a fairly long period, and begin between 9 and 14.

Alvaro Castillo has been writing health articles for five years. One of his specializations has been on parenting and pregnancy. If you would like to get the best out of parenting, then visit his website at or visit his blog at to share your opinion.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Preschool Learning-Causes Of Bed Wetting

Causes of Bed Wetting: Eat, Drink, and Wet the Bed
by: Sue LaPointe

Well, we're on a roll with causes of bed wetting theories. Here's one that seems to make sense. I'm still pretty much sold on the idea that it's a hereditary issue - but it seems like if there are other causes of bed wetting, they may be more controllable. If it's just heredity, you kind of have to wait it out until your child reaches the pre-set magical age of dryness. By nature not especially patient, the idea of waiting it out doesn't appeal to me.

So, here's what I've learned about the food and drink leading to bedwetting theory.


Oh no! Say it isn't so! Well, actually it's not necessarily the chocolate; it's the caffeine in chocolate that may cause bed wetting. What does caffeine do? It stimulates the body, including the bladder. So that evening cup of cocoa or slice of chocolate cake may be a problem. (Gosh, now I'm craving chocolate!)


Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. Carbonation is rumored to do strange things to immature bladders. Actually, for any adults who drink soda, you know first-hand that a can of Coke is a ticket to the restroom. It's an effect that's compounded by caffeine - and the sugar's probably not helping matters either.

Oranges and Grapefruits

OK, if you've actually got a child who will eat grapefruit, I'd like to hear about it! But oranges are another story. I get a strange reaction when I eat oranges (and raw cranberries for some reason) - my face gets hot and I feel kind of funky. So, I'm assuming it's possible to be allergic to citrus. The citric acid is the most likely culprit. Try cutting back on the orange juice and citrus in your child's diet to see what happens.

Spicy Stuff

There are some spices out there that could probably be rated pharmaceutical grade. Think of the effect Chinese mustard has on your nose! No doubt some of these spices have an equivalent effect on the bladder. Salsa, Asian food, and other hot, hot, hot foods may be contributing to the bedwetting problem.

Food Allergies

I've heard of people whose children are allergic to everything from eggs to wheat, and have to say that dealing with bedwetting is nothing compared to the trouble they have to go through just to feed their children. Couple a serious food allergy with bedwetting, and it's enough to make you want to retreat to the bath tub for the next ten years! Some allergies cause bladder spasms - which of course, means a bedwetting accident. It's not just food, either. Some people are really sensitive to preservatives, dyes, and other additives. It doesn't seem that the only effect of a food allergy would be bedwetting, though. So don't throw out all your groceries just yet. But if your child has multiple challenges, it's something to consider. You may have to shop around for an allergist - so be prepared.

So what do you do if you discover your child's bedwetting problem is caused by a food sensitivity? It's not like being allergic to a cat - get some shots or send Fluffy to live with Grandma. You'll have to enroll your child's compliance on this (so what else is new?). Get your child to see the value, the what's-in-it-for-me of staying away from what may be a favorite food. Dry nights are pretty valuable - and your child may come to see the tradeoff as worthwhile. The sensitivity may be temporary, too - and that should help.

After all, just the thought of never being able to eat chocolate is cruel and unusual punishment.

About The Author
Sue LaPointe is the owner of - a site aimed at encouraging, supporting, and educating parents of bedwetters. Request your copy of the free report “Got a Bedwetter? Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid.”