Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Robin Coloring Page for Kids

Spring Robin Coloring Page for You & Your Kids:

When you see the know Spring is here...a great idea is to start setting up a related theme lesson plan for teaching your preschool and kindergarten kids. You can grab the spring coloring page above as a start. While you enjoy the awesome weather ahead.

Remember to always try and think of fun new ways to teach pre k children about the different seasons and weather..

Spring & Summer Fun for Preschool & Kindergarten Children

Spring & Summer Activities for You and Your Children:

With Spring happening right now and Summer right around the corner, we need to come up with some new preschool learning activities and activities for young children to learn from while keeping them entertained.

Spring can be a great time to talk about the animals and how they are preparing for Spring etc. You could take a look at how the grass is turning from it's dull, brown, lifeless color to a new green color. Or how the leaves on the trees are beginning to grow out from their buds.

Tulips, plants and different types of flowers can be seen poking up out of the ground which signifies new life and regrowth which is associated with Spring time.

You could actually find books about Spring and use coloring pages related to animals you find in the Spring time or coloring pages identifying different Spring time flowers etc.

Use your imagination and get creative. Lots can be learned from Spring time and all of the other seasons which we experience. To kids, these are full of new experiences and learning.

You can find some Seasonal Coloring Pages for Spring Here:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Quality Basic Skill Development Fine Motor By The Pencil Grip

 How the Pencil Grip Helps your Child Develop Fine Motor Skills:

Skill development activities for preschool children to help develop their fine motor development. The pencil grip is one example of this for teaching preschool children. Fine motor skills deal with the fine or small muscles of the hands and fingers in children. Developing these muscles early on is essential.

More Fine Motor Skills -Pencil Grip..