Thursday, January 01, 2009

Winter Theme Activities- Making a Paper Snow Flake

Winter Theme Ideas and Activities For Kids:

Looking for some great winter theme activities or winter art activities for teaching kids?
Winter is here. Why not use some of these ideas to spruce up the classroom, or keep the children busy with a fun winter art activity?

If you want to know how to make paper snowflakes, check the activity in the video below for some great ideas.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Printable Bubble Letters

Printable Coloring Pages

Printable bubble letters, printable letters and other printable coloring pages are available with more on the way!

There are a variety of coloring pages and printables on the following topics:
Seasonal printables, Special Needs Printables, Character Coloring Pages, Sports Printables and Coloring Pages and many many more!

Printables andWorksheets:

Preschool worksheets and printables can also be accessed here:
Printables & Worksheets

Check with us often as we ADD more worksheets for kids, lesson printables and other activity sheets for teaching and educating kids.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Preschool Math & Math Activities For Kids

Preschool Math can be very fun and easy to teach to kids. It can be as easy as singing a number song or counting fun objects.

I have a couple of number songs in my videos on You Tube.

A preschool math activity I would recommend is counting some familiar objects that the children are familiar with. Count up to an age appropriate number depending on the level of your class.
Counting is a great form of math as it get the children familiar with the orders of numbers.

You can also read a book about counting or hold up some flash cards that have numbers on them so the children can see associate the look of the number with the number they are saying.

And always a class favorite is counting with food. This one I do with very low numbers just to try and introduce very simple addition and subtraction. I get 3-4 apples and line them up in a row. (I do this activity at a table.) Then I count them. Then I take one apple away and say, "if I take this apple away lets see how many are left." Then we count them again. Then I add it back and follow the same routine.

Then once more I do the same routine but this time taking away two, and then bringing them back. You can go higher depending on the level of your class.

Remember repetition is important but children also get bored easy. So I change it up a bit and say, now what if we eat one apple, so I cut it up give everyone a piece and we count the apples. I go down the list and we eat each apple until there are (zero) 0 apples on the table.

In Preschool, we need to make learning fun so that way when they get to school and start using paper and pencils, they have a positive and fun start to pre k math which encourages them to keep it up throughout school.

I hope I have helped you out.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Preschool Science Experiment for Kids - Bottle Greenhouse

Plastic Bottle Greenhouse - Science Experiment
Science Experiments For Kids

What You Need For This Science Activity:

 Some soil
 Seedlings, seeds or small plant
 Tape
 Scissors
 Clear plastic water bottle or beverage bottle with cap

Procedure for This Science Experiment:

1. Make sure the plastic bottle is rinsed out well. It doesn’t have to be completely dry inside.

2. Carefully cut the plastic bottle in half using the scissors.

3. Being careful of sharp edges - take the bottom portion of the plastic bottle and fill it about half way with soil.

4. Plant either your seeds, or seedling in the soil-making sure it is lightly covered with soil.

5. Carefully place the top portion of the plastic bottle back on top of the lower portion of the bottle. Seal them together with the tape and make sure there are no small holes that air or liquid can escape from.

6. Place just a few drops of water in your bottle greenhouse. Put the cap back on top of the bottle.

7. Place your Bottle Greenhouse near a bright window where it can get lots of sun and warmth.

8. In a few days the bottle will begin to ‘sweat’ inside. This is condensation which will help to keep supplying the seeds or plant with moisture to help it to grow. If it is too wet inside open the cap for a while to let it dry out for a little bit.

9. Check it daily and you will gradually begin to see the plant or seeds growing.

Fun Science Facts For this Kids Science Activity:

Sunlight and it’s warmth, cause the temperature inside the bottle greenhouse to rise.

Because it is sealed with a cap or a lid, the sealed air inside stays heated even though the outside air may cool down.

The air inside the Bottle Greenhouse turns to water which feeds the plant to keep it healthy and alive.

*For Other Great Science Activities & Science Experiments For Kids Visit Us Online!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

'The Preschool Approach At Home' - Preschool Learning Article

While recently doing some research on the preschool learning and preschool homeschool curriculum, and what type of preschool activities would create a positive self motivation preschool learning environment for the homeschool, I came across some ideas that are so simple it was almost embarrassing that I had to discover this through my ‘research’ time.

When one preschool teacher was asked ‘what is the one preschool teaching tool or tools in your classroom that you could not do without? She answered real life stuff. Pots and pans, staplers, hole punchers, anything around the house that will provide real life experiences for preschool activities.

Think about it…. Every thing you need for your homeschool preschool is just around the corner at a yard sale! If your going to teach preschool homeschool your classroom should be set up like a real life home. Imagine that. A real life home environment for the preschool child, and you did it. Can you teach that way? Of course, you can.

You probably already have, and do allow your child time to play, read, run outdoors, and discover the world on their travels. And you do so in a loving environment.

What you provide will far exceed what is provided for in a public preschool learning environment.

You are the best teacher the child will ever have and your home is the best leaning environment for the preschooler. You certainly don’t need to spend vast amounts of money equipping your home for preschool activities. As mentioned earlier, thrift stores and yard sales can provide more than you could ever use.

Also remember, real life experiences. Let the child help you bake, do laundry, and other household experiences. They all offer visual, hands on, and subtle problem solving. And you thought homeschool preschool would require a classroom setting.

Not hardly.

Mary Joyce is a former educator, successful homeschool parent, and has written many articles on teaching your child at home for the Homeschool-Curriculum-4u website. Please visit ( for a complete list of Mary's articles.

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