Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning To Count Kids Game - Lady Bug Counting Game for Kids

Learning to Count - Lady Bug Count Game Online for Free!

(No Downloads Required-Play Online Now)

Children love to learn simple things. They feel as though they accomplished so much by learning the simplest activities or basics of education.

Counting is one of those essential learning fundamentals that is not always the most exciting to teach, but we can make it fun and exciting for children.

Counting and Numbers for Kids:

Counting and numbers are everywhere, counting then leads to simple math then to more complex maths.

Fun Learning to Count Game:

Here is a fun learning to count game for kids that you can try. Children simply count the dots on the ladybugs, then they click and drag the correct number to that lady bug. That's it, simple, yet effective to get children familiar with their numbers and counting.

*As always, Please be sure to twitter, facebook or Social Bookmark!


Learn ABC Flashcards Game for Preschoolers

Learning ABC Flashcards Online Learning Game:

OK, so here is another preschool learning game for kids.

Well, technically, these games are not ONLY for preschoolers but could be used with children probably up to grade 1.

This particular game is a flash card game to make children or individuals familiar learning the letters of the English alphabet. *There is also audio for this when the mouse is moved over the letter of the alphabet.

You can advance through the letters of the alphabet by using the buttons.

*Keep an eye out for many more games from us, as we advertise them on this blog. *As always, please be sure to share on facebook or twitter or other social bookmarking you see fit.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fun Spell - Spelling Game Online for Your Kids

Fun Spell is Now FREE to Play Online:

Get access to the Fun Spell version 1.0 online spelling game for kids. You can teach your preschoolers and children or anyone really who is looking to improve or learn to spell.

Some of the most basic, yet fundamentally important things to teach children and preschoolers today is their alphabets, spelling and reading.

Fun Spell online spelling game for kids does just that. It helps children to HEAR the word, then see an image or drawing of the word object, then see the spelling of the word below it.

Children can simply, click on each letter of the word (starting left to right for english of course) and they will hear each letter as it is pronounced.

Play the Fun Spelling Game Online Now:

Check it out and please Bookmark & Share the link across any social networks you can!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Kids Love Dress Up Games and They Help With Fine Motor Skills


Dress Up Games Online for Preschool Kids:

Preschool children love funny games. This dress up game for preschool kids and young children allows them to make the character look funny by changing outfits and facial expressions. There are no downloads and the game is playable right on the website.

There are many other FREE preschool learning games on the website and many more games for children coming -stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dinosaur Learn to Count Game for Kids

Learn to Count - Preschool Dinosaur Counting Game Online

Dinosaur Counting Game for Kids:

A fun preschool counting game online for you to help teach children learn to count or brush up on their counting skills. Kids love dinosaurs and this dinosaur learning to count game is a fun way for children to learn to count.

Check it out and Share it or facebook like it to help spread the word.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Science Activity For Preschoolers-Grassman

Preschool Learning Activity for Kids: Grass Man

This is a fun activity that helps children to learn about grass and growing and how to take care of things to help them grow, all with a funny little character.

Grass man's hair is actually the grass the grows from your container, so the preschoolers are excited to see it grow. Of course you can treat this as a science activity for kids as you observe and chart or document any new changes that you see everyday as you look for the growing grass.

Kids can cut the grass (hair) with scissors once it has grown and have fun watching their friend grow his green hair.

Grass man growing activity for kids is here

*Please Share on Facebook or Twitter etc..


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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Spring & Summer Outdoor Activities for Kids

Fun Spring and Summer Outdoor Activities for Kids:

Want to keep your kids active during the nice weather this Spring or Summer? You need to keep your children from adopting a sedentary lifestyle which can lead to obesity and other health issues.

Today, many children sit in front of television for hours or play video games with no physical activity. Physical activity is good for their gross motor skills development and fine motor skills development & overall health.

Teaching your kids to get up and move is a nice habit to get them into, one which will stay with them for many years to come.

Outdoor Obstacle Course:

Have you thought of setting up a fun obstacle course in your backyard for your children and their friends? You can use some pylons (or other things to act as pylons or markers) for them to weave in and out through. Hoola hoops can be used for jumping. Maybe a long wavy rope or your garden hose laying out in a crazy pattern for them which they have to balance on and follow.

You can even get a couple of the play tunnels which they have for little children and get your kids crawling through it.

The thing is, make it fun and challenging for your kids, while keeping it safe. It will get your preschool kids and young children moving on a nice Spring or Summer day.

You can even make it into a fun game or contest & time each child as they complete the course.

This is just one of many great ideas for keeping children healthy and active outdoors with some physical activities for kids.

Sun Safety and Water To Drink:

*Remember to ALWAYS use a suitable sunblock or dress children appropriately with plenty of liquids to drink when playing outside. Have any other great ideas for keeping children moving? Let us know by commenting below or contacting us.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Robin Coloring Page for Kids

Spring Robin Coloring Page for You & Your Kids:

When you see the know Spring is here...a great idea is to start setting up a related theme lesson plan for teaching your preschool and kindergarten kids. You can grab the spring coloring page above as a start. While you enjoy the awesome weather ahead.

Remember to always try and think of fun new ways to teach pre k children about the different seasons and weather..

Spring & Summer Fun for Preschool & Kindergarten Children

Spring & Summer Activities for You and Your Children:

With Spring happening right now and Summer right around the corner, we need to come up with some new preschool learning activities and activities for young children to learn from while keeping them entertained.

Spring can be a great time to talk about the animals and how they are preparing for Spring etc. You could take a look at how the grass is turning from it's dull, brown, lifeless color to a new green color. Or how the leaves on the trees are beginning to grow out from their buds.

Tulips, plants and different types of flowers can be seen poking up out of the ground which signifies new life and regrowth which is associated with Spring time.

You could actually find books about Spring and use coloring pages related to animals you find in the Spring time or coloring pages identifying different Spring time flowers etc.

Use your imagination and get creative. Lots can be learned from Spring time and all of the other seasons which we experience. To kids, these are full of new experiences and learning.

You can find some Seasonal Coloring Pages for Spring Here:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Quality Basic Skill Development Fine Motor By The Pencil Grip

 How the Pencil Grip Helps your Child Develop Fine Motor Skills:

Skill development activities for preschool children to help develop their fine motor development. The pencil grip is one example of this for teaching preschool children. Fine motor skills deal with the fine or small muscles of the hands and fingers in children. Developing these muscles early on is essential.

More Fine Motor Skills -Pencil Grip..

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jungle Theme & Jungle Ideas for Kids

Preschool Jungle Theme Lesson Plan Ideas: 

A popular theme for teaching children is the preschool Jungle theme lesson plan. You can start by getting an assortment of books related to the jungle, jungle animals etc. These are great for use at circle and your library center.

You need other jungle related things like coloring pages, colorful pictures and songs that are all about the jungle. You can discuss all these activities and idea sin a circle with the preschool children.

Make fun jungle masks for a simple art activity or let the children decorate and color jungle masks.

Get more jungle activities and lesson plan ideas here:

Click for more Jungle Activities

Monday, February 27, 2012

Physical Activities for Kids - Masking Tape Balance Beam

Activities for Preschool Kids Working on Balance:

Get your Kids Moving. Why not try some fun activities to get your preschool children moving, testing their strength, testing their balance, co-ordination & other things all while having fun!

Here is a great idea using masking tape. You can use other things like, long strings, or garden hoses, ropes etc to create the same idea with the activity.

 It's important today to get kids up and moving. Use music and use this activity inside or outside with your preschool kids or young children to have fun.

Check it out online.

Balance Beam Masking Tape

Prek Art Activities for Kids - Kool aid Finger Paint

Pre K kids and preschool aged children love art. Art activities allow children to express themselves and their individual creativity by using paints, color, glue, glitter, markers and many other materials to create an artistic masterpiece.

Check out some great prek art activities and ideas to use with your children and those that you teach in the preschool classroom.

PreK Art activities - Kool Aid Finger Paint Ideas 4 Preschoolers:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fine Motor Skills Development

Fine Motor Development for Kids: 

What are fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills occur when the small muscles in the hands/fingers move in coordination with the eyes.

Fine motor skills usually develop later than gross motor skills. Some of the first signs are done with the hands/arms such as raising their arm up and down or waving with their hand. Fine motor skills take much more effort to develop..

Fine Motor Skills ideas for kids..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Drag and Drop-Dress a Martian Kids Game

Dress a Martian Drag and Drop Game for Kids 

If you are looking for fun online games for children you can get them below. This kids game is a simple dress up drag and drop game where children can drag the funny outfits and items to the martian cartoon character and give him some funny looks.

Drag and drop games help children to get use to using the computer mouse and build on their fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination as well.

Check out the fun game below. It has sound, so be sure to turn up your speakers.


Our Dress Up Drag and Drop Game-Dress a Bear

Dress A Bear - Kids Drag n' Drop Game for Children Online -

Healthy Snacks & Treats for Kids

Healthy Preschool Snacks & Treats for Kids:

Parents and Teachers are always looking for simple HEALTHY snack ideas for preschool children.

Healthy foods and snacks are important for children as they develop and go about their very active days. If you are looking for some snack and treats that are healthier choices-see below.

Creative Art Ideas for Preschool Children

Looking for Creative Preschool Art Lesson activities & ideas for the preschoolers in your care?

There are some great preschool art ideas and activities which are simple to use and setup with your children. Art is an important area of learning for children and one that helps to build their creativity, imagination and expression.
Preschool Art & Activities for Kids

Monday, February 20, 2012

Circle Time Ideas Skat The Cat

Circle Time Ideas for Preschool Kids: 

Skat The Cat:

Skat The Cat is a fun exciting way that a preschool teacher or a parent can entertain the children in a preschool classroom at circle time while teaching the children about colors and using a fun little story that will keep them..

Circle time ideas - Skat the Cat..

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Super Bowl Football Theme for Preschool Kids:

Super Bowl Football Preschool Themes: 

Super Bowl is here. Kids usually are fascinated by sports (especially boys)

Why not plan a Football theme or lesson plan for the preschooler children or other young children in your care? Super Bowl is a huge event that the children will surely hear about and see advertised on the television. You can introduce the kids to this event using some of the ideas and activities below.

What are some Football related activities and ideas you could use to get this football theme going? 

1.) You could make Football cupcakes

2.)  Get a bunch of football related coloring pages for kids to color.

3.) Read books to the children about football

4.) At circle time pass around a real football that the children can see and touch (you could use different types of footballs (eg.) leather, nerf, bigger, small)

5.) Get colorful pictures of people playing football.

6.) Get football related party snacks like chips, pretzels, popcorn..

7.) Have children draw their best footballs pictures

8.) Cut out football shaped pieces of construction paper and let the children decorate it by gluing, pasting etc..

Get more SuperBowl and football related theme ideas here...

Football Preschool Theme for Kids..

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Printable Alphabet Letter X

Printable alphabet letter X worksheet for use in teaching kindergarten children and preschoolers at home or in the school classroom. Use for making teaching materials such as alphabet flashcards,

Large Printable Alphabet Letter X..

Printable Letter W for Preschool

Printable letter W worksheet for teaching children, preschoolers and kindergarten kids the letters of the english alphabet.

Use it to make alphabet flashcards, posters, worksheets or anything else to teach young children and preschool kids about the letters of the alphabet. Print out your Letter W worksheet today.

Printable Letter W Worksheet..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Letter V Printable for Kids

Letter V printable for kids, preschoolers and kindergarten children to teach them alphabet letters and their abcs. *Simply right click the printable image below and choose 'save

Letter V Printable worksheet download for kids..

Letter U Worksheet Printable for Kids

Here is our letter U worksheet printable for kids and preschoolers. You can use any of these printable worksheets and other activities and ideas for teaching and educating children about the letters

More Alphabet Letter Printables & Letter Worksheets ...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Letter U Worksheet Printable for Kids

Here is our letter U worksheet printable for kids and preschoolers. You can use any of these printable worksheets and other activities and ideas for teaching and educating children about the letters

Alphabet Letter U Printables & Letter Worksheets ...

Letter T Worksheet Printable

Letter T worksheet printable for educating kindergarten children and preschoolers in the prek classroom or when teaching at home. Please Share & Bookmark this page. Download your Letter T
More Alphabet Letter Printables & Letter Worksheets ...

The Letter S Printable

The letter S printable below is a printable worksheet that can be used along with the rest of our alphabet printables to make posters, and teaching tools for teaching children about the letters for

Letter S Printable Worksheet ...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to Teach a Class with Delays or Lack of Interest

Preschool Teaching Question:

Thanks for the information but what do you do when your class is a delay class or the children just sit there and want do anything? I am working with a self contain / delay group of children or they are just not up to part.


If you have a class, try these ideas..

How to Teach a Preschool Class Showing Lack of Interest or Delays

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Children Songs for Teaching and Learning

Children Songs for Preschool and Kindergarten 

Preschool song lyrics and preschool children songs for use in educating children, toddlers and even for use with kindergarten children. Be sure to visit all children songs posted to this preschool learning blog.

There are also many preschool songs that can be found that are based on specific themes like, weather, snow, animals, colors and much more. These types of songs make learning easier when you incorporate them into your lesson plans for children while teaching.

Check out all the listed song categories to got to the specific section of songs. Kepp in mind that we add new songs for kids regularly.

Click Here for Kids Songs

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fine Motor Skills Grasps

Palmer, Pincer, and Pencil Grasp for Fine Motor Skills Development
[caption id="f_attachment" align="alignleft" width="400" caption="."]by derekGavey under CC BY with[/caption]
As children develop from infancy into their preschool years the palmer, pincer, and pencil grasps are important to their fine motor development. Below you will find a brief description of each

Fine Motor Skills Grasps for Development

Stacking Activities for Fine Motor Skills Development in Kids

Small Building Blocks Activities: 

Small building blocks give children an opportunity to develop their fine motor skills while engaging in another fun activity. Grabbing and stacking. These sorts of ideas and activities build the small muscles of the children's hands and fingers.

These activities also help to work on developing hand/eye co-ordination skills in children as well.

Get Activities Here

Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers

Gluing Activities for Fine Motor Development: 

Glueing is another great fine motor activity for children. This activity is fun and a very popular one with children. Cutting and gluing pieces of paper, pieces of colorful construction paper, newpaper and more.

Children can also get added benefits by tearing paper using their hands and gluing it creating their art and masterpieces. Tearing helps children to develop their small hand and finger muscles.

Gluing Activities for Kids

Gross Motor Activities for Kids

How to Help Children with Gross Motor Activities:

Helping children master gross motor skills involves some planning but at the same time can be, and is quite simple to make developing these skills successful.

Making sure children have a large area to run and play is a good idea. Get kids outside and let them run and jump, kick a ball, ride their bikes and push their scooters.

These gross motor ideas and activities for children are expanded below.

Gross Motor Development Activities

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weather Circle Time Activity - Part 2.

Here is Part 2. of the Full preschool circle time activity video. Make sure that you watch Part 1. of the full preschool weather circle time video first.

This preschool circle time video is requested often so we figured we would post it where it is easy to access for our visitors.

Please Watch and Share or Bookmark:

Full Preschool Learning Circle Time Video

Of all the requests that we receive at, requests for us showing 'How' to conduct a full circle time with children in the preschool classroom is among the most popular.

Take a look at Part 1. of the Full Weather Preschool Theme Circle Time Activity below.

How To Conduct A Weather Themed Circle Time with Calendar:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Motor Development for Preschool Kids

How to Help Children with Fine Motor Development:
Helping children master fine motor skills involves some planning but at the same time can be, and is quite simple to make developing these skills successful. Fine motor skills require greater effort and much more

Motor Development

What are Motor Skills for Preschoolers

What are Motor Skills?

There are two kinds of motor skills, fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Children improve in both of these motor skill areas during the toddler years. The difference between fine and gross motor skills is simple to remember. Get the full information below.

Motor Skills for Preschoolers

Fine Motor Skills Development

Fine Motor Development:
What are fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills occur when the small muscles in the hands/fingers move in coordination with the eyes.

Fine motor skills usually develop later than gross motor skills. Some of the first signs are done with the hands/arms such as raising their arm up and down or waving with their hand. Fine motor skills take much more effort to develop

Fine Motor Skills

Activities to Develop Concentration in Preschoolers

 Email Question:

i need to develop my 2.8yrs old daughter concentration through activities
especially sitting activities which make her to sit and concentrate she started
going to preschool.

kindly help me out


Our Reply: 
See the article below...

Preschool Activities to Develop Better Concentration ...